“We are green” - our new initiative for a greener event industry and a better world
We’d like to announce our new ‘We are green” initiative that aims to raise environmental awareness, inspire a more sustainable approach in the event industry and build a community of green-thinking organizers. We believe that every green idea matters but only together we can make a difference. That's why we are giving a “We are green” digital badge to any upcoming event that commits to implement at least 3 of the 10 green event practices listed below. The badge is meant to represent the organizer’s green commitment and serve as an inspiration to others. Applying for a “We’re green” badge is absolutely free and takes a minute.
“We chose to launch the initiative on World Environmental Day - when everyone should stop for a moment and think about how we can contribute to saving the environment through our work and everyday life activities. For us event organizers, that means adopting more sustainable practices. Whether you implement just a few green ideas for your next event or try for 100% sustainability, it all makes a difference! So, with the “We are green” campaign, we want to encourage the event organizers to commit to at least 3 green event practices for their upcoming event.”Ovanes Ovanessian, Co-Founder of Eventex Awards
The 10 "We are green" practices
1. Choose sustainable venue
2. Reduce single-use plasticsPractices like: using post-consumer recycled content badge holders and lanyards and ask attendees to return them upon leaving to use at your next events, etc.
3. Reduce paper use Practices like: opting for digital instead of printed marketing or other materials like brochures, leaflets, invitations, agendas, etc.
4. Go for sustainable cateringPractices like: replacing single use plastic cups, cutlery, drinking straws with sustainable serviceware (like glass, china, metal); ordering of locally produced or vegetarian food; planning the quantities of food carefully, so that there is as little leftover as possible; donatimg leftover food to local shelters or food banks, etc.
5. Reduce to a minimum standard gifts/giveaways or choose sustainable options For example, ditching the plastic pens or keyholders and opting for a gift of tree seeds instead.
6. Inspire sustainable practices at the event Educating attendees on environmentally-friendly practices at your event or the event itself is organized to support environmental causes.
7. Save energyUsing renewable energy sources (such as solar energy etc.) or reducing the use of traditional energy sources to a minimum
8. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from event-related transport Practices like: offering incentives for guests that rideshare or take direct flights, encouraging the use of public transport to the event venue, etc.
9. Recycling and/or composting
10. Carbon offset programsOffsetting your entire carbon footprint or neutralise the impact of a specific activity, such as flights, etc.
Green doesn’t mean expensive
Implementing green practices doesn't necessarily mean extra expenses - some could even save you money. Here are some examples of budget-friendly green event practices:
- Use filtered tap water instead of plastic bottles of spring water
- Reuse - try to plan/design branded materials so that you can reuse them (badges, lanyards, banners, signboards, etc.)
- Prefer digital marketing than traditional one - it's much cheaper and more efficient
- Use event registration/ticketing software - forget about printed attendee lists or even paper tickets and use online tickets that can be scanned at the registration desk. Better for the environment, better for your budget and better for your attendees.
- Planning the quantities of food carefully so that there are no leftovers
- Whenever you can – use daylight. It’s not only free but also doesn't tire the eyes
- Reduce to a minimum pvc banners or signboards and try using screens and spotlights instead
“We’ve always tried to adopt as many green practices as possible at Eventex Awards, like not using paper, throwing a 100% online award ceremony and giving out trophies made of recycled plastic for the last 2 editions of the competition. We believe that the “We’re green badge” will inspire more event organizers and together we will make a true difference for a greener world!” Simona Harizanova, Co-founder of Eventex Awards
To get a “We are green” badge, visit https://eventex.co/wearegreen/