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People’s Choice

Voting for the People’s Choice Awards as part of Eventex Awards 2024 has ended. See all Eventex Awards 2024 winners here.

Enter the World's #1 Awards for Events and Experience Marketing

Early registration for Eventex Awards 2025 is now open.


How to vote

Select the category you want to vote in. Note that you can vote in all categories, for up to 3 entries per category and up to a total of 10 entries.
All entries available for public voting are sorted in alphabetical order.
Find your favorites and click the Thumbs Up icon. Doing so should highlight the icon to confirm your vote. Your vote is automatically recorded, so there is no need to confirm it.
You can change your vote at any time during the official voting period.
The official voting period is March 18th — April 2nd, 2024 (23:59 CET).
Eventex - The World’s #1 Awards for Events & Experience Marketing | Public Voting

Vote for

EventBrand ExperienceVirtual Event & ExperienceMarketing, Communications & StrategyEvent TechnologySupplier