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Eventex Awards 2024 winners revealed: see this edition’s Hall of Fame

The biggest and greatest moment of Eventex Awards is finally upon us — it is time to reveal the winners in the 14th edition of the world’s #1 awards for events and experience marketing! This year knocked last year’s records out of the park with a massive 1207 submissions from 62 countries and 6 continents.

Eventex Awards winner stats & facts 

Let’s take a look at this edition’s most notable winner statistics. 

Country leaderboard  

  • Check out the top-performing countries by awards won: some text
    • United States — 65
    • Qatar — 56
    • Poland — 45
    • Saudi Arabia — 44
    • United Kingdom — 40
    • Germany — 29
    • The Netherlands — 24
    • Spain — 21
    • United Arab Emirates — 19
    • Türkiye — 18
  • The US is also leading with the most gold awards — 27, while Qatar and Germany again with 23 and 21. 
  • In platinum awards, the ranking looks a bit different — Latvia boasts 4, followed by Austria with 3, while Saudi Arabia and Qatar share the third spot with 2 platinum trophies each. 

Top agency winners 

Moving on to the winning agencies, here’s what the leaderboard looks like: 

  • Qatar Vision Production Company and Leap Creative Studio share the #1 spot with 18 awards each.
  • fischerAppelt comes in next with 15.
  • Gorilla Company Limited snatches the 3rd spot with 11.

A special shout-out goes to LUKA Agency, LEAP Creative Studio, and Austria Vienna Center which have each bagged 3 platinum trophies, making them this year’s top platinum awards performers. 

Notable winning entries 

  • Volvo EX30 Thailand launch is the entry to have scored the most awards this edition — 11 in total, including 8 gold and 1 platinum. 
  • FIFA Fan Festival™ is the runner-up with 9 medals in total, while Lufthansa Allegris Launch-Event rounds out the top 3 with 8 awards. 
  • Euskalduna Bilbao and Doha Exhibition Convention Center are the 2 most celebrated venues, each scoring 5 awards. 
  • With 5 awards each, Zoho Backstage and RainFocus are the most-awarded tech entries this year. 

Represented brands 

The top 3 brands this year are: 

  • Asian Football Confederation (AFC) — 18 awards
  • Ministry of Sports, Saudi Arabia — 17 awards
  • Volvo — 11 awards

Other notable brands represented among the winning entries this year include Lufthansa, L’Oreal, AUDI, Netflix, and Toyota

The full list of winners is available here

Congratulations to all Eventex Awards 2024 winners! 

Who’s next

Regardless of whether you made it to the winner’s list this year, it’s not too early to secure your spot in Eventex Awards 2025 — registration is now open. 

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Enter the World's #1 Awards for Events and Experience Marketing

Early registration for Eventex Awards 2025 is now open.