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November 8, 2022

Eventex 2017 Jury Yearbook: Kerem Baran

Co-founder and CEO of BoomsetAn app creator, coding maniac, tech fanatic, and personal assistant to a 3-pound toy poodle.

Favourite line form a song:He move in space with minimum waste and maximum joy.The title of a film about you:Grease!Current project:Working on bringing the future to events right here, right now.Name one thing that inspired you at an event you attended:The DeLorian in Twitter flight.Least favourite thing about events:Bad catering: It puts a bad taste in my mouth about the event, figuratively and literally.What event would you go back in time for?I would love to go back to the grand opening ceremony of the Great Pyramid at Giza in 2500 BC.One item you can’t live without?Until all the countries of the world sign for a borderless entry, I would say my passport!Perfection is…. the enemy of progress!Curiosity is… what may have "killed the cat" but it's the key to discovery.If I had a nickel… I would toss it all day.Walking a straight line… is sometimes best left for a Johnny Cash song.VR or RV? VR in an RV!Brain teaser or no-brainer? I'm a coder...Frontstage or backstage? Backstage with a hologram of myself transmitted to the frontstage. Describe the Eventex experience in 1 word: Eventechular!What question do you wish we’d asked?If all the world's a stage, where does the audience sit?

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