Juta is a communication, brand management and marketing expert with more than 20 years’ experience in industry in both private and public sectors. During her professional career, Juta has implemented a series of public information campaigns, events, communication, brand and marketing strategies for companies in various industries and ensured the successful implementation of these strategies. During last years, professional knowledge has been significantly strengthened in customer experience and sustainability areas.
Jutas` experience in corporate event management is shaped from both sides – being a creative mind and executor designing events for other companies as well as being a customer and managing event process from in-house perspective.
Jutas` practical skill set and experience in the field is supported by strong theoretical knowledge background – two bachelor's degrees in communication science and business management and master degree in modeling of sociotechnical systems additionally to numerous trainings to stay updated regards the newest trends.
Professional achievements are highlighted by more than 30 awards earned at local and international level in communication, brand management, advertising and customer experience areas.
Currently Juta is Director of Marketing, Communication and Customer Department and Senior management team member at leading non-life insurance company in Latvia – BALTA (part of PZU Group).
Eventex Awards 2026 is coming soon.