November 8, 2022

Eventex Index: The Top 150 Event Organizers and Agencies in USA for 2021

After announcing the Eventex Awards 2021 winners, it’s time for another highly anticipated occasion in our annual calendar - updating and releasing the ultimate ranking of companies and services in the meetings and events industry. We are more than thrilled to announce the “Eventex Index: The Top 150 Event Organizers and Agencies in the USA for 2021”.

The company that crowns the USA Index is multinational corporation specializing in event marketing ‘George P. Johnson’. Texas based creative agency ‘In-house International’ is in second place and Philadelphia based woman-owned event and production agency ‘Katalyst Productions’ makes third place.

The Index features the most awarded agencies and event organizers in the USA in a bigger and bolder format than ever. What’s new about this year’s Index is that it compiles data from the latest edition of the top 20 most prestigious event and experience marketing awards worldwide. While previous editions of the Index were based on the number of awards for companies competing solely in Eventex Awards, the new format uses complex methodology to combine the industry’s most relevant accolades and winners in one list. It, therefore, creates the ultimate encompassing view of the most innovative and creative event organizers and agencies in the USA over the past two years. The USA represents a large chunk of the event industry and the same goes when it comes to its presence and appearance within global and regional awards worldwide.Our sophisticated Index methodology helped us pick out the top 150 companies that continuously made their names heard and accomplished tremendous success with their events and brand experiences over the last two years. In other words, they won the most awards and respectively collected the highest points across the list of 20 prestigious accolades. Let’s talk about the Eventex Awards 2022! If you want to participate in the world’s most esteemed accolade and ultimate symbol of excellence in the world of events and brand experiences, now is the perfect time to register! In fact, the earlier you register the lower the price - and you can take advantage of our exclusive 3 for 2 offer across all categories too! Show the world what you’re made of!

Enter the World's #1 Awards for Events and Experience Marketing

Registration for Eventex Awards 2025 is open.