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November 8, 2022

The Speaker Who Promised to Make Eventex Congress 2015 Sparkle


Inspiring BBC Anchor Jeremy Nicholas is not only an experienced event host but also a person with a contagious enthusiasm for creating a memorable event experience. You'll meet him in person in 10 days! Here's a glimpse on what to be prepared for :)

How does your job relate to the event industry?

I'm a writer and broadcaster. I’m often asked to emcee events.

I also run Talking Toolbox masterclasses which teach platform skills to keynote speakers.

What are your most important duties?

I’m on mission to make Europe’s conference less boring. I’ve emceed so many dull events that I decided to make conferences sparkle, by training speakers to be more engaging and entertaining. It’s a tough job but someone has to do it.

When I’m emceeing an event I see my main role as keeping everything running to time. It’s also vital to keep the audience involved and informed.

How do you describe your work style?

I use humour as a tool to hold the audience’s attention and keep it. I’ve worked for the BBC since 1987, so I grew up with the broadcaster's motto of ‘Inform, Educate and Entertain’. I believe the most important of those is to entertain, because it means you hold people’s attention, so you have a chance to inform and educate as well. As a speaker I would also throw in a fourth value, which is to inspire.

What is the biggest professional risk you have taken?

Getting 300 IT professionals to do a ‘haka’ (Maori war dance) at a business dinner at the Savoy Hotel in London.

It could have gone horribly wrong if they hadn’t joined in, but they did.

Or doing a ten minute stand-up routine at the Professional Speaking Association convention and deciding to add extra value by doing impersonations of fellow speakers.

Or being drafted in as the main athletics commentator for the global TV feed of the paralympic athletics.

How do you see the growth in the European event market?

London is booming again and I’m hoping the rest of Europe won’t be far behind.

What do you like the most about Eventex Congress 2015?

For me it’s about the networking. It’s a chance to meet old friends and make some new ones. The coffees between sessions are the best bits, although don’t miss any of the sessions. Especially mine!

I love the chance to speak in front of event professionals, because they’re all potential employers.

No matter how good your showreel is, it’s always better to talk live to your target market. (That way they can’t hit the stop button!)

Can you give us a brief outline of what you are presenting at Eventex Congress 2015?

I’m doing a session on How to Get Massive Publicity for your Event for Free!

It’s packed with stories from my thirty years a broadcaster and event host. There’s lots of great learning for event organisers on how to get into the spotlight without a huge advertising budget. It will be a fun session too, with stories about reporting for television on the face of Elvis on a piece of cheese and hosting The Good Funeral Awards.

If I meet you during a break at Eventex Congress 2015, what would be a good opening line?

Hi Jeremy, what would you like to drink?


Hi Jeremy, can you help the speakers at my event to be more entertaining and engaging?


Hi Jeremy, can I have your card, I have a lucrative gig coming up that I need you for.

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