Public voting for the win: How to promote entries in the Eventex Awards People’s Choice categories

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March 24, 2023

With the evaluation phase of the Eventex Awards 2023 kicking off, public voting included, things are starting to get real. This year’s unprecedented 99% submission rate and a record number of 765 entries promise a very exciting edition but also make for cutthroat competition. And while you’ve done all you can for your submissions that are being evaluated by our esteemed judges, you can still drum up support for entries participating in the Eventex Awards People’s Choice categories. Read on to learn how to go about it. 

What Eventex does for you 

Let’s start with what we at Eventex are doing to help you along in your quest to secure votes for your entry: 

  • We have prepared special visuals that you can use to promote your participation and urge your followers to vote for your entry; 
  • We have a dedicated hashtag, #eventexpeopleschoice that you can use and which we will also share through our own social media channels for additional visibility; 
  • We’ve partnered with Evalato to ensure that public voting is easy as can be, with your followers only needing a social login — Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google — to register and vote. 

What you can do to promote your entry 

You know your entry is great and deserves an award, so make sure as many people as possible know they can support it too: 

  • Post on social media — this should be a no-brainer, with social media being the most efficient way nowadays to create buzz, making it a top choice for promoting your entry in the Eventex Awards People’s Choice categories. LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or good old Facebook — you can use one or more of those to urge your followers to vote for your entry; 
  • Don’t forget the hashtags — they generate more buzz and expand the impact of your social media posts — as noted above, you have #eventexpeopleschoice, which you can supplement with a popular industry tag such as #eventprofs which will further boost your reach; 
  • Consider a dedicated email campaign — if appropriate, send out an email to your network of partners and followers to vote for your entry; 
  • Add info in your weekly or monthly newsletter — if you think that a dedicated email campaign might be a bit too much, you can include an urge to vote (complete with the link, deadline, and your entry’s name) in your organization’s weekly or monthly newsletter;    
  • Consider all interested parties — depending on who you organized an event for (or provided a product and/or service for), and your relationship with them, you could possibly let them know that the event, product, or service in question is competing in the Eventex Awards People’s Choice and ask them if they would be interested in promoting your entry and urging their own followers to vote. 

Regardless of which channel you use to promote your entry (or all of them), remember to keep things clear and concise — no one wants to read long and boring instructions. Deadline, link to the portal, and your entry’s name are the must-haves; add a short and catchy message and you’re good to go.   

Eyes on the prize 

Getting as much support as you can for your entry in the People’s Choice categories will give you an edge and help you make the most out of your participation in this year’s edition of Eventex Awards. And if you don’t succeed this time around, don’t worry, you can try, try again — registration for Eventex Awards 2024 is already open and our early-bird rates are waiting for you

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