Laura Schwartz in the spotlight

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January 18, 2023

Named one of The 100 Most Influential People in the Global Event Industry by Eventex, one of the top 7 speakers in the US, and an Eventex jury president, Laura Schwartz has recently expanded her partnership with Eventex to host the new Eventex in the spotlight series, which showcase leaders in the ever-evolving world of events. This is as good an occasion as any to celebrate Eventex’s long-term partnership with Laura and bring her into the spotlight. 

An inspired partnership  

Laura’s partnership with Eventex has proved an excellent match and is highly valued by our team. She has been applying her positivity, tireless energy, and expertise in helping us shape the Eventex Awards into the World’s #1 Awards for Events and Experience Marketing.

On Eventex and its role in the world of events Laura comments: 

“Eventex brings me inspiration… it brings me and all of us a community which serves to inspire and life up each other. It is one that serves to share best practices, challenges, and collective solutions so that we can all celebrate success together.”

And we return the sentiment — Laura and her remarkable career are incredibly inspiring for us and the whole event community. 

The remarkable journey of an events superstar 

While her accomplishments are too numerous to list, here’s a glimpse into some of the things that make Laura a true inspiration:

  • White House Director of Events — at 19, Laura began volunteering at the White House and soon became the youngest female presidential appointee in history working her way up to serve as the White House Director of Events for the Clinton Administration. In this role, she created and executed more than 1,000 White House events.
  • Professional Emcee & Keynote Speaker — since 2001, Laura has been captivating and inspiring audiences around the world as a Professional Emcee and Keynote speaker. She is known for her positive engagement and connection with every audience across all industries and global borders. 
  • Respected commentator — Since 2001 Laura has been a prominent face on television both hosting national programs and as an authoritative commentator on a wide range of topics, including the American presidency, foreign affairs, women in business and leadership. Laura is also the American Contributor to Australia’s #1 Morning Show, “The Today Show.” As a special note, along with her cast of ITV London, Laura and team won the prestigious Drum Awards “Podcast of the Year” in 2021. 
  • Published author — in her first book, “Eat, Drink, and Succeed” Laura lays out a step-by-step formula for leveraging the positive, productive power of networking to seize your moment and forge social connections that give your career and life a boost at every stage! 
  • Eventex Jury president — as one of the industry’s most prominent names worldwide, Laura has been an Eventex judge for six years now, and since 2021 — a Jury president for the Eventex Awards. 

The qualities that make a difference 

When asked about the top three qualities of an event industry superstar, Laura doesn’t hesitate to point them out: 

Collaboration — the ability to provide a positive attitude and inclusive approach internally with your teams and externally with your clients. Agility — the ability to change up a plan midstream with ease when a curve ball inevitably comes your way. Innovation — the ability to "think in the clouds” and encourage others to do the same to create new ideas and a dynamic approach to every experience.”

Speaking the shared “language of experiences and events” 

For Laura, being an Eventex judge goes beyond rating a program and turns into a learning opportunity. 

“As a jury president, I have met so many wonderful fellow jury members from across the globe as well as entrants who have reached out to me following the award seasons. We may be separated at times by linguistics but not the language of experiences and events. And for me, serving as a jury president is fulfilling — it is not just simply assigning a number to rate a program — it is thoughtful consideration, it is a learning opportunity for us all.”

Laura’s experience as well as her integrity are among the guarantees for the objectivity and complete transparency of the Eventex Awards. 

Laura’s newest endeavor — Host of Eventex in the spotlight 

Most recently, Laura has also taken on the role of hosting Eventex in the spotlight, a special exclusive series showcasing the Eventex Awards jury presidents. We couldn’t have imagined a better host whose professionalism and personal charisma help bring out the best of everyone in these conversations, to the benefit of the whole Eventex community. 

“A welcoming community” 

“Eventex to me is a global event and experience community of outstanding professionals — one that I am honored to be a part of alongside all who come together for the awards and beyond,” Laura notes, adding that anyone considering entering the Eventex Awards, should just do it. 

“It is after all a welcoming community as I just described. Whether you achieve a top score, low score, or one in the middle… it is worth it because you learn through any of those scenarios. I appreciate the thoughtful process that goes into entering — it is content including images, reflection, challenges, and successes that drive us internally and externally to be the best we can be as leaders in this community… as peers”. 

We at Eventex feel fortunate to have Laura as part of our community.  Watch all episodes with Laura Schwartz.

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