Eventex 2017 Jury Yearbook: Zuzana Adamson

Publisher and founder of B2B MICE CEE magazines and web platform, www.mice-cee.com.
In business since 2007, focusing on the meetings industry and facilitating exchanges between the CEE region and the World, and between the World and the CEE. Apart from this, I am a writer (bestseller book as well) and my preceding activities are connected to research (PhD. at the Sorbonne).Favourite quote:…Like a stormwind that will ring the freedom bell for peace of mind…And listening to the Wind of ChangeThe title of a film about you:"7 years in Advance"Current project:Working on an avant-garde movie project now.Name one thing that inspired you at an event you attended:I am always inspired by the energy that drives every event – the reason why, the interests behind, the enthusiasm of people that create and participate in an event-all this is magical. But what really inspires me is the organization, if the event is well organized and delegates have the feeling of a good investment of their time.Least favourite thing about events:Boring speeches, bad food, missing the heart in the event. Well-sometimes the quality may depend on the configuration of the stars at the moment.What event would you go back in time for?A big celebration for Harvest in the Temple of Heaven in China.One item you can’t live without?Only one ? I cannot live without my Mac.Perfection is…. an illusion that we try to reach.Curiosity is… perhaps one of the essential qualities for progressing in your life. If I had a nickel… for every time my ex-husband said «no» to one of my ideas, I’d be swimming in money !Walking a straight line… yes, I like this.VR or RV? Absolutely RV, but VR in order to function in today’s business reality.Brain teaser or no-brainer? I built my media company with a little bit of both of them.Frontstage or backstage? It depends on your objectives.Describe the Eventex experience in 1 word: It’s a bit early for me to answer this question. I will attend the event in January 2017 for the first time.What question do you wish we’d asked?Which MICE destination (country) touched your heart?Travelling to India, I spent some time in Varanasi, living with the local people. It was an amazing experience with strong contrasts and adventures, and it inspired me to write a book about it, entitled One Blonde Wandering in India.