November 8, 2022

Eventex 2017 Jury Yearbook: Rosa Garriga Mora

Meeting Architect at Kenes Group

For most time of the day, I’m the Meeting Architect of Kenes Group. But I’m also an avid runner, a long-term meditator, a lover of electronic music and a stock-market investor.aka: Roseta (that’s how my family and friends call me)Favourite quote:"We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight." - John LennonThe title of a film about you:"On the move"Current project:A few medical congresses that need a makeover!Name one thing that inspired you at an event you attended:MPI’s EMEC in Malaga (around 2010), that’s where I met Maarten Vanneste and decided I wanted to be a Meeting Architect.Least favourite thing about events:The unhealthy food - there are way too many cookies and pastries! What event would you go back in time for?The Love Parade in Berlin.One item you can’t live without?My smartphonePerfection is…. unattainable, but we must always strive to do our best.Curiosity is… what keeps us alive.If I had a nickel… for every boring power point presentation I’ve seen!Walking a straight line… is not always possible. You have to keep your options open.VR or RV? VRBrain teaser or no-brainer? Brain teaser.Frontstage or backstage? It depends on the event.Describe the Eventex experience in 1 word: CreativityWhat question do you wish we’d asked?Tell us one amazing fact about yourself..Last year I asked Mark Zuckerberg about his plans for Facebook and the events industry - and it was shown on national TV!

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