November 8, 2022

Eventex 2017 Jury Yearbook: Miona Milic

Co-founder of /, an online tool for event planning in South East Europe and Editor of SEE business travel & meetings (SEEbtm) magazine

aka: ComiFavourite line from a song:"I've lived a life that's full.I've traveled each and every highway;And more, much more than this,I did it my way."The title of a film about you:“She wanted all“ :)Current project:Launching SEEbtm Awards, preparing annual gathering of South East Europe meeting suppliers and buyers - SEEbtm party together with 10th Anniversary of our Company in Belgrade.Name one thing that inspired you at an event you attended:Creative and effective approach in any shape and form – whether it is about event decoration, event design or content and a way of speakers' presentation…Least favourite thing about events:When it’s not custom-made and not addressing personally to the participants.What event would you go back in time for?My unconventional wedding, part 2One thing you can’t live without?My girl.Perfection is…. a way of constantly upgrading your work & yourself, but never reachable.Curiosity is… base of knowledge.If I had a nickel… for every time I have laughed out loud in public so people would look – what’s wrong with her…? :)Walking a straight line… if it’s really, really straight line… then I see it as a straight line of heart rates.VR or RV? RVBrain teaser or no-brainer? Brain teaser.Frontstage or backstage? Both?Describe the Eventex experience in 1 word: Creative.What question do you wish we’d asked?What is the best way to connect people on events?Make them smile on same or similar things. Catching eye-contact while smiling together with a complete stranger is the moment when you stop being a stranger. You are connected. Besides, a smile can save your day, someone else’s day, relationship, job, health…Smile is always the way to connect with the people – which is the basic goal of all events.

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