November 8, 2022

Eventex 2017 Jury Yearbook: David Benitez

Co-Founder of Content Cocktails

Dedicated to supporting destinations to adapt and to reach out to the Global Meetings Industry community, an expert in connecting people to do business in the Travel and Meetings Industry marketplace.Very passionate about human interactions in a humane kind of way!aka: Rafa (like the football coach)Favourite line from a song:“You can't start a fireWorrying 'bout your little world falling apartThis gun's for hireEven if we're just dancing in the dark”― Bruce SpringsteenThe title of a film about you:“THE WALL CLIMBER!!!” Starring… RAFA!! Jajajaja!Current project:H2H events (Human 2 Human)Name one thing that inspired you at an event you attended:Collaborative approach in content and designed and moderated in the most authentic way.Least favourite thing about events:Meetings done “by default” rather than by design.What event would you go back in time for?The “Meeting Design Practicum” February 2016.One thing you can’t live without?Time to be alone to reflect and be grateful.Perfection is…. heaven.Curiosity is… a gift.If I had a nickel… would give it to a child that has never tried a sweet before.Walking a straight line… living a purpose-filled life.VR or RV? RVBrain teaser or no-brainer? No-brainer.Frontstage or backstage? Backstage.Describe the Eventex experience in 1 word: Fun!What question do you wish we’d asked?What is your favourite time of day? Dinner time with my family which we share stories!

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