David Benitez

Founder, CoCoA H2H (previously CoCoA Content Cocktails)

David is very passionate about designing personal and authentic event formats to encourage the very best business relationships to flourish. David is dedicated to supporting and collaborating with our industry peers to help audiences truly connect during their business interactions.

David helps design and curate event programmes, and works closely with partners to create rich, long-term partnerships for the benefit of our industry leaders.

In 2015, David founded CoCoA H2H (previously CoCoA Content Cocktails)  a B2B experimental marketing events consultation company that brings together organisations and humans through content and experiences with heart and soul. His mission is to transform ordinary meetings into extraordinary experiences through connections that are truly human-to-human [H2H].

Participa en los premios #1 del mundo en marketing de eventos y experiencias

Eventex Awards 2026 llega muy pronto

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