Belén Fierro

Head of Protocol and Events at Airbus Spain & Vice President of EMA (Event Managers' Association Spain)

Belén has been linked to the world of events since 1992, when she joined the Comms Team in former CASA and discovered a little by accident, this magical activity that has been her life since then, exciting enough as to make her return to college and graduate at the Facultad de Ciencias de la Información. The Company, the department and herself, have grown a great deal. Today Airbus is a multinational company with 140.000 employees from over 100 nationalities. Belén has the privilege of leading a wonderful and highly motivated team, devoted to designing, defining and executing events. Born in Belgium and raised in Australia, she has travelled and worked on projects in different countries with a diverse and multicultural mindset. She considers the role of the Event Manager as key to the success of corporate events and interaction with the event industry. This moved her to join the Board of Directors of EMA (The Event Managers’ Association in Spain). She has been jury to several prestigious Event Awards, such as BEA, EUBEA and Eventoplus, enjoying every minute.

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