Two more weeks to register and submit your entries for Eventex Awards

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February 12, 2024

A quick reminder that 30 Nov 2016 is just around the corner, friends. Two weeks is just enough time to register for Eventex Awards and submit your entries for the global event awards competition. In the words of the immortal Douglas Adams “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by”.We’re very excited for this edition of Eventex Awards. We got more award categories than ever this time around and a crème de la crème panel of international judges to rate your entries. And if we could extend the deadline again, we’d do it in a snap, but the competition is just around the corner. The winners and runner-ups will be announced at a special ceremony in Dublin, on 24 January 2017, as part of Eventex 2017 conference. We’d love to see you there!Don’t let the deadline go by you with a whooshing sound. Register now and submit your entries for a chance to gain international recognition for your excellent accomplishments in the event industry!

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