Eventex 2018 Jury Yearbook: Miguel Neves

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February 12, 2024

Digital Content and Community Manager at IMEX Group

Who are you really? I am a curious creator and caring curator of computerised communication and conscious connector of charismatic characters.Personal credo... If it’s not a “hell yeah” then it’s not worth doing.When you were a kid, you wanted to be… A waiter. You became… A waiter, then a musician, then a sound engineer, then a producer, then an event manager, then a speaker, then a social media manager and now a digital content and community manager.What would people say about you based on your handwriting? – ?!?!$£$...I don’t think anyone can understand my handwriting, I certainly can’t.Which book do you think everyone should read? – REWORK: https://37signals.com/reworkWould you rather be the funniest or the most intelligent person in the room? – Most intelligent.The hardest thing about being in events... Stepping away from events, even going to the cinema I am constantly analysing the customer service, the food offering, the seating - every little detail.And the easiest? – Getting excited about an upcoming project. Every day is a new challenge, which is great!Describe how you imagine a conference 100 years from now… The value of meeting in person will be ultra-safeguarded and reserved only for the best and most focused meetings. We will all have access to data in advance and will only be interested in explorational discussion and knowledge exchange. We will also be able to measure and evaluate the value of the conference as well as keep track of future outcomes.The best advice you ever received… Look to the future to make decisions that affect you now, so that you can reach your future goals.Honest arrogance or hypocritical humility? - Neither, hopefully.Action or thriller? - Thriller.Surprise ending or a happy ending? – Surprise ending.Practice without theory is… The college of hard knocks, best avoided but sometimes needed.Less is more when… Whenever possible, I am big fan of reducing and refocussing in all aspects of events.At the end of the day… don’t take life too seriously.

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