Eventex 2018 Jury Yearbook: Helena Wallo

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February 12, 2024

Author, Trainer and Blogger

Who are you really?
Trainer, speaker, blogger in the event industry, running own training and consulting business in Finland. I’ve written two books about events. In Finland also known #tapahtumatohtori which means event doctor.  I’m a wife, mother and grandmother of four cute grandchildren.

Personal credo… “Everything will always turn as it’s best”

When you were a kid, you wanted to be… a veterinarian.

You became…  a writer, trainer, event enthusiast and CEO. Degree in Business Administration main subject marketing.

What would people say about you based on your handwriting? – I’m a medical doctor.

Which book do you think everyone should read? – A book which I have written: ‘Events are possibility’

Would you rather be the funniest or the most intelligent person in the room? – Intelligent.

The hardest thing about being in events… To stay calm. I’m evaluating how everything is going, all the time asking myself – why? It’s in my backbone, something I got since I was young.

And the easiest? – I find it easier to be an organizer rather than a guest.

Describe how you imagine a conference 100 years from now… Conferences and other events will not die. They have been around since the Roman Empire – people want and need to meet with each other to have a live discussion. We will use more software, applications and technology, but it’s still people business.

The best advice you ever received… is from my American mom, from forty years ago “Everything will always turn as it’s best”

Honest arrogance or hypocritical humility? – Honest arrogance.

Action or thriller? – Action

Surprise ending or a happy ending? – Of course surprise ending.

Practice without theory is… useful and sometimes a good way to learn. People are different and might understand theory afterwards, practice first.

Less is more when… you create events. First lots of ideas, but with smart creative process – in the end less is more.

At the end of the day… I’m thankful and looking forward to what’s next to come.

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