Agencies & Teams: The track that celebrates event professionals 

Since its very beginning back in 2009, Eventex Awards’ primary goal has been to celebrate innovation, creativity, and effectiveness in the industry. And while we have always recognized the efforts of the teams and individuals behind each project, we believe the time has come to really bring them into focus. That’s why, this year’s category structure revamp features a new track dedicated to agencies and teams

Behind every great event…  

While an Eventex award has always been a recognition for the agency or team that wins it, the focus still largely remains on the event, experience, product, service, or venue, rather than on the individuals that make it happen. This prompted us to give agencies and teams a track of their own, along with:

  • A peak behind the curtain — this track and its groups and categories give us an opportunity to take a look at the process of organizing events and experiences, at how an agency or a team collaborates and overcomes the challenges, not just for a single project but in general; 
  • Teamwork is an achievement in its own right — every agency or team is composed of individuals and having them work as a well-oiled machine is no small feat. A separate track will help celebrate just that, how an agency or a team is bigger and better than the sum of its parts. 

These are just a couple of the things that make us believe that Agencies & Teams deserve their own track to shine. 

Two groups to shine a light on Agencies & Teams   

Given the versatility of the events and experience marketing industry, we believe that to do right by agencies and teams, we need multiple categories, divided into the following two logical groups: 

  • Agencies & Companies — a group that celebrates outstanding agencies and companies, be it incentive, live communication, catering, production, or something else;  
  • Teams — a group dedicated to the power of teamwork, be it an event, hotel, marketing, or venue team. 

It stands to reason that you might want to enter your agency or team in more than one category. You can do that with no worries or you can schedule a call with the Eventex team for guidance on which category will be the best-fitting one. Either way, don’t forget to also enter your agency or team in the relevant People’s Choice category which this year you can do free of charge

The power of an (Eventex) award for your agency or team

You might be wondering if your agency or team really needs an Eventex award (or any award for that matter). The answer is a resounding yes. 

Benefits for your employees 

Since this particular Eventex Awards track is more employee-oriented, let’s start with the benefits for your team: 

  • An award can boost the morale of your team
  • Entering alone is a clear signal to your employees that they are doing a great job and their employer appreciates their efforts
  • The award celebration can turn into a great team-building experience

Benefits for your organization 

In addition to your employees, your organization will also benefit from both participating and winning. 

  • Winning an award equals a third-party seal of approval, which can do wonders for your reputation
  • Participating alone will generate positive publicity and overall, is great for marketing;
  • Your organization will enjoy more exposure, as well as opportunities for new partnerships
  • Participating in Eventex Awards specifically will make your organization part of a vibrant community, giving you access to useful resources and networking opportunities; 
  • It’s great for your bottom line — 80% of our participants have grown their client base after the awards.

Ready, set, go!  

Think your agency or team deserves to be in the spotlight? Enter now and change your categories later. 

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